A variation of the Hermès scarf `Dans un jardin anglais` first edited in 2015 by `Alice Shirley`
Source of the picture: archive.org

Dans un jardin anglais

Scarves 90 / classic


Designed by Alice Shirley

First edition in 2015

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Hermes silk twill scarf, hand rolled, 36" x 36"

What finer invitation to wander at leisure, than an English country garden? Designed by Nature herself, recreating the happy accidents of the natural scene, its unimagined alliances and improvised paths… Gardens à l’anglaise first made their appearance in France in the 18th century, ushering in a new sense of freedom – a space where nature and nurture could meet and mingle, threaded with flower-lined paths winding between shrubberies, clusters of trees, plants and rocks, leading to a striking viewpoint, a water feature, a bridge, a ruin, a dead tree… A place for surprises and dreams; a place of unending fascination. Alice Shirley’s design perfectly expresses the bucolic charm of every English garden: a rustic scene peopled with deer and birds. A zig-zag path leads to the top of a flight of mossy steps, and a flowery arch – the gate of Paradise, perhaps! Where better to roam at will, sampling fresh delights, taking time to dream… Alice Shirley’s English garden embodies the true art of the French flâneur.

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